India, 2 months old baby spit flames from the body

Doctors from all over the worldbut experts are trying to superhuman phenomena explain how it is possible that the petite Rahul, born in Tamil Nadutwo months agomanages to produce flame from his body.
As writes "The Times of India", the boy is on fireitself four times over two monthsThe first

timemotherRAJESHWARIfound his body in flames wasnine days after birthShe raised the boy in the hospital and everything seems back to normalbut a few days laterRahul took fire again.
After the third case of the fourththe baby's parentsdecided to bring the boy to kilpauk Medical College for deeper analysis, but have not yet managed to get aresponse.
Doctors suspect the boy's body in flames can ignite due to a kind of gas emissions from its skinthe nature of which has not been discovered yet.
The baby's fathertold Karnan "The Indian Expressthat often have to contend with suspicions of peoplewho say it could be the work of the devil.
"As a family we are really concernedbecause the neighbors are afraid and believe that our son is under the control of a demon, who kindled the flames on his body." - Said Karnan.