Millions of people around the world suffer from addiction often painful, which leads to self-injury, biting the nails. Medical experts are now examining the dependence disorder to classify as psikik.Edhe why bite the nails often viewed as something benign, U.S. medical experts, after a more detailed study, decided to change the classification of this disorder obsessive habit-kompulsiv . American psychiatric
Association prepares to publish this change in the next issue of the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. Habits, which are usually associated with obsessive-kompulsiv disorder include constant washing of hands and hair pulling. This disease is characterized by irrational thoughts and fears that lead to a behavior only occasionally bite nails tillë.Nëse this is not indicative of disorder, ensure experts. "Biting the nails is not a disorder unless it happens repeatedly, if not disturbing and must meet a certain degree of clinical severity," said Carol Mathews, of the University of California. Thus, the nail biting is considered serious when it becomes destructive habits, when it becomes difficult because of the use of hands or shpeshta.Ish leads to infections of the nail biting addicts say that the waiver of such skills helped when nails were wrapped with adhesive tape or with flaster, the nails are dipped in lemon or a spicy sauce.
Association prepares to publish this change in the next issue of the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. Habits, which are usually associated with obsessive-kompulsiv disorder include constant washing of hands and hair pulling. This disease is characterized by irrational thoughts and fears that lead to a behavior only occasionally bite nails tillë.Nëse this is not indicative of disorder, ensure experts. "Biting the nails is not a disorder unless it happens repeatedly, if not disturbing and must meet a certain degree of clinical severity," said Carol Mathews, of the University of California. Thus, the nail biting is considered serious when it becomes destructive habits, when it becomes difficult because of the use of hands or shpeshta.Ish leads to infections of the nail biting addicts say that the waiver of such skills helped when nails were wrapped with adhesive tape or with flaster, the nails are dipped in lemon or a spicy sauce.