Media reports that the British team at the Universityof Southampton scientists through technology - 3Dscanner found walls, streets and church ruins of acity disappeared under water for centuries. It is about Danviça medieval city, regarded as "BritishAtlantis".
This city, once a prosperous lima sized fourteenthcentury London, plunged ten meters under water asa result of coastal erosion, which began in 1286.
Now there is more detailed maps of roads, walls andmain buildings of this city discovered in the bottom of the sea.
For his discovery scientists used acoustic scanning technique with high resolution, which is the technology used for the first time at sea underwater archeology.
Scientists say that this technology is reminiscent of the bright lamp with battery run in the bottom of the sea, but in this case instead of light used item. Exploring the underwater city started in 2008 and has so farbeen discovered ruins 6 and 74 potential archaeological findings.
This city, once a prosperous lima sized fourteenthcentury London, plunged ten meters under water asa result of coastal erosion, which began in 1286.
Now there is more detailed maps of roads, walls andmain buildings of this city discovered in the bottom of the sea.
For his discovery scientists used acoustic scanning technique with high resolution, which is the technology used for the first time at sea underwater archeology.
Scientists say that this technology is reminiscent of the bright lamp with battery run in the bottom of the sea, but in this case instead of light used item. Exploring the underwater city started in 2008 and has so farbeen discovered ruins 6 and 74 potential archaeological findings.