NASA keeps secret angel year 200,000

NASA and its secret, to 200,000-year-old angel hidden for more than 40 years
One of the best preserved secret for more than four decades, suddenly comes to light to overturn everything we knew and believed until now. An "angel" aged not less than 200,000 years old ... mirëmbuluara reveals secrets of the moon and a thousand doubts arise simultaneously!

And how many things we hide "gene" NASA?
But why did they decided to show us things that threaten to overturn the theory hundreds of "proven" scientifically?
Perhaps we are facing again with another farce, which is targeted to scientists who imagine and believe the arrival of extraterrestrials?
There are dozens of foreign agencies which here refers to a month and a photographer deal with small statue, which has a height of not more than 25cm. Small statue depicts a humanoid (human-specific female) small, with long hair and a gown that covers up and her knees. In the shoulder, it holds a pair of wings, which resemble what everyone imagines naturalists, ie an angel.
But, until there is nothing strange!
What did the most famous photograph in the world, making the rounds of the world in record time, and accompanied by a series of reports that a piece of media is not published or not presented them in front of their readers and viewers and it is true but modified. So, it was an affirmation of the scientist who work for more than 23 years at NASA, saying that this sculpture was unveiled in 1969, attached to the rock, the sampled by Monday and was brought to Earth the spatial mission "Apollo 11"!
Dr.Morris geologist Charles, who was he to reveal the existence of the sculpture, claims he was employed at NASA for more than 23 years, since 1964 until 1987, and even today has close ties with many his colleague.
He also claims that the chemical analysis, which underwent this sculpture, confirmed that it was created by a kind of mixture of iron that exists only on Monday, and it was washed with a glass type material "in hand" which gives the sculpture a gorgeous shiny silver!
According to the professor, geologists consider the situation before 200,000 years, ie 170,000 years before the human being appeared on Earth!
"Metal sample, proving that he is not created on the moon and was transferred there from a ... extraterrestrial beings! This means that once the moon had atmosphere that allowed the development of life there, and he was incredibly intelligent life emerging, with super-abilities and physical beauty, "says the professor.
After exposure to reporters and photographers sculpture, she was transferred and hid in a place without knowing for further study and analysis of laboratory experiments as well ... Maybe one another Christ, or a creature Anunaki?
But as it fell into the hands of Dr.Morris sculpture Charles when she stood for more than 40 years?
"Sculpture was a secret shared among NASA scientists but for" gene "NASA who held secret and kept it as 'rain in the desert' was terror itself, as feared caused global panic! Many personalities who for professional, do not disclose their personal data and prefer to remain anonymous, brought the sculpture, "continues Dr. Charles.
In the report accompanying photographer, a professor from the University of Washington anthropologist, creator of "Angel" considers as being gifted in religious beliefs that resemble the Christian religion!
"There is a possibility that they are being, or that civilization had" Christ "of his, which was to prove that spiritual principles are universal," says Dr. Fredericks Miles from University of New York, and continues giving another version: "Sumer many stories to tell Anunaki in the 18th century BC. Perhaps they are being visited by the Moon and backgrounds are these beings created this wonderful sculpture, by their looks and physical appearance of the exterior. "
Nobody knows if Dr. sculptures and claims. Charles Morris are true.
NASA itself, through its official statement refuted the claim of Dr. Charles. But she had the same thing done on April 20 asked to comment cure claims former astronaut Edgar Mitchell on CNN, which claimed that the collision of a UFO in Roswell, New Mexico was a real event! Edgar, who was a member of the crew of "Apollo 11" in its mission to the Moon, also claimed that American authorities - as well as international ones, know very well that there is extraterrestrial life, but keep it secret from the public!

Mexican police in the diet

Authorities in the Mexican capital have ordered police to enter into the diet, the health campaign, because Mexico is the second country in the world known to the people masivizëm sound, after the United States of America. About 1,300 policemen will take part in the action of weakening, which is implemented under the organization of the city police department and the federal ministry of health. "Hardly that will control not consume tortas, Mexican sandwiches and tacos great," said Nora Frias, a local police official.

Sentenced to 18 months in prison after a hot-dog stole

Një amerikan nga Masachusets është dënuar me 18 muaj burg për shkak të vjedhjes së një hot dogu nga një njeri në park. Judd ka pranuar para gjykatës se ia
kishte vjedhur hot dogun një njeriu i cili po rrinte ulur nën një pemë në park dhe po përgatitej të hante, shkruajnë mediat amerikane. Pasi është arrestuar më vonë është konkluduar se me vete kishte pasur revole të rreme dhe thikë xhepi. Rrethanat në të cilat ka ndodhur ngjarja kanë bërë që Judd të dënohet për sulm fizik.

Issue granddaughter grandmother sale

A 10-year-old girl is prevented to sell her grandmother on eBay online action. EBay's Zëdhënësje said the girl had entered the list of sales grandmother 61 - year-old, describing it
as "attractive", but also "boring". The company said the offer was "fun", but was removed because of regulations against trafficking in human beings.

Referee interrupts the game with stolen car

Judge Madrigal Soria stopped after 63 match between Murcianos and Puente del Jumila, valid for the third category of the Spanish championship, as soon as he learned about the event.
Police announced through megaphones color and stolen car plate number, which corresponded to that of a judge. Soria broke away and ran straight lines match side by side and players judge announced that the stolen vehicle belonged to him.

Bayern M. - Man City finale of "Audi Cup"!

Team led by Pep Guardiola is trying to forget theGerman Super Cup defeat against BorussiaDortmund, winning 2-0 to Sao Paulo's. The gamewas characterized by an apparent possession of the ball in favor of Bayern, while the meeting is in the second set with goals scored 
by Mandzukic 56minutes and finally Weiser. In Bayern's second goal,it has also contributed somewhat Xherdan Shaqiri,the Swiss Albanian passport, which unleashed apowerful shot from outside the left area, the ball hitthe strut and then returned to Bayern's new talent ,Weiser, who was hard to take him the ball. Earlier,Manchester City had beat Milan 5-3 in the tournament, setting out of the tournament finals,which will take place on Thursday, August 1,'sbetween Bayern and Man City.

Rita has no problem singing in Belgrade!

Rita has no problem singing in Belgrade!
Rita Ora says there's no problem to sing inBelgrade, although she still remembers the suffering of the Kosovo war against Serbia hasdeveloped.

"The fun will come to Serbia and the Serbian capital sing even though I am fully aware that this gesture might appear incorrectly in public". "What I want to say can take political connotation and could become a big issue but when you are fromKosovo, know that we were hungry and desperatejust to achieve independence and stay on our feet." "For this we fought. I think people in Serbiaknow what the feeling is fighting for something, "said Rita quoted for British magazine" GQ ",according to Serbian media.

While flying, passing from one flask to another!

A walk Wubulikaisim Aisikaier record, a youngChinese. Aisikaier has progressed to a full 18 feetin iron structure and a rod in his hand 5 incheswide, and the distance traversed in less than 39seconds, going from one flight to another flask.

Unusual adventures happened in Naigu StoneForest in Yunnan province.