Now can persuade through GPS-it!
The test, conducted last month off the Italian coast, is one of the most highly sophisticated GPS is realized and is the fruit of several years of work group from the University of Texas.American researchers have managed to modify the signalsGPS (Global Positioning System) by sending a hundredmeters from the yacht's itinerary being "cheated" crew thathe adhere to the right path. "We all imitate GPS-s group. Toconfuse the yacht GPS system, researchers must generatefalse signals that were different from those truths.Theoretically, the navigation system will accept signals, but the location was not that accurate. When met with realsignals on the receiver, they were stronger ours. "A commonGPS receivers based on signals from at least four satellites,but accuracy improves by increasing the number of satellites.In the ocean can be achieved signals from 10 satellitessimultaneously. Knowing the location of each satellite andthe exact time when the signal arrives, it is possible to determine the location of the receiver with an accuracy measured in meters. GPS works by measuring the signals received from satellites that are in orbit 20 000 km above the Earth. If asatellite signal will only be false, then the system can not exclude being consistent with the signals coming from other satellites. If half of them are not accurate, then the system starts "doubt".